Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Last Week's Morning Messages  

Monday, February 3, 2020


Dear Students:

      Think for a moment, "What if we didn't have our Morning Message?" Then, if that were so, we wouldn't experience the feelings and ideas of coming together from our various homes to discuss why being in our class is so great!

     Think for a moment, "What if we didn't have Classroom Duties?" Then, if that were so, we wouldn't have and build within us a strong sense of Responsibility.

     Think for a moment, "What if we didn't have the Mandala Money System?" Then, if that were so, we wouldn't feel the emotions connected with striving for Excellence, in SO MANY WAYS, and the joy of achievement.

     Think for a moment about other unique aspects of our great Class, and then try to feel grateful, and then be your Best Self!


           Mr. Stathis


Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Dear Students:

      What did you learn yesterday?

     Did you stretch your brain? Did you experience several moments of happiness in achieving a challenge? Did you catch yourself in a moment of Self-Control and then realize what maturity is all about?

     Use your time well for striving for excellence in All and Everything in class today, and tonight in your Homework.

     Go for Greatness, and be there for your classmates, as I'll be there for you too!


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 2019


Dear Students:

      I am happy you are here today, each one of you.

     You are my students and I am looking forward to teaching you today. Teaching means guiding you in new things you didn't know before, and practicing things you may know somewhat but for which you can get better and better at it.

     You have to focus, and be there in the lessons with your full attention!

     Whoa! We do a lot in Classroom 16!

     When you miss a day, you miss a lot!


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, February 6, 2020


Dear Students:

      Let's have a great day!

     What does it mean in Classroom 16! to have a great day?

     Let's talk about that question and discuss it with one another, sharing your good ideas about that question.

     Everyone has a thought and feeling about it. Let's find-out what each one thinks and feels about it.


           Mr. Stathis


Friday, February 7, 2020


Dear Students:

      Are you looking forward to hearing your fellow Classmates' stories this morning, as I am?

     Classroom 16! is a wonderful place, a wonderful opportunity, to share with peers such positive, uplifting expressions of our creativity and our appreciation for one another.

     So, use Positive Peer Pressure to do your part to making our class a happy place to be!


           Mr. Stathis